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Our Title IX Lawyer Will Stand Up For Your Rights

Jun 20

Whether you are the victim of sexual assault or wrongly accused, our Title IX Lawyer is ready to stand up for your rights. Schools that receive federal funds are required to offer protections against sexual misconduct, including fundamentally fair campus disciplinary hearings.

However, schools often conduct investigations and disciplinary proceedings that violate student procedural rights. FIRE defends these rights and has won major victories in court.

New York

New York students — both accused and innocent — can face serious repercussions if they are involved in a school sexual misconduct or assault investigation. A savvy Title IX attorney can help students and staff members navigate intricate campus disciplinary processes.

The federal Title IX legislation states that any educational institution or activity that receives federal financial assistance cannot discriminate based on sex. However, navigating the complexities of the law can be difficult. Our lawyers provide 360 degrees of support in Title IX proceedings for both students and faculty members at schools across the state.

Our attorneys will protect your rights to due process throughout the investigation and hearing stages. They will ensure that investigators follow all federal guidelines and do not base their decisions on "gut feelings" or implicit biases. They also have extensive trial experience and can cross-examine witnesses during the hearing. They also are familiar with the many laws, regulations, and rules that govern the university disciplinary process.

New Jersey

If you are a student who has been accused of Title IX sexual misconduct, it’s important to get an experienced New Jersey Title IX attorney on your side immediately. These disciplinary proceedings can affect your educational progress and career plans. Moreover, they can even damage your reputation.

The law prohibits sex discrimination by schools that receive federal funding. This includes private colleges, public universities, for-profit schools, and most local school districts. Moreover, it applies to students and staff members as well as teachers and coaches.

Once you are notified of an accusation, the Title IX coordinator will start compiling evidence that could be used to support the complainant’s case. This may include text messages, voice messages, and interviews with witnesses.

Title IX Lawyer Phoenix are responsible for evaluating all of the evidence in a case, including its credibility. However, they can be influenced by their “gut feelings” and implicit biases. This could result in unintended consequences for the accused.


A Maryland Title IX attorney is a lawyer who helps people fight unfair treatment at their educational facilities. It is important for an accused student to have legal counsel because of the sensitivity of the matter and the impact it can have on their lives.

In addition to defending against allegations of sexual misconduct, Maryland Title IX lawyers can help students with other issues, including housing and scholarships. They can also assist with retaliation claims.

Colleges and other higher education schools that receive federal financial assistance are required to investigate any allegation of a sex crime. Failing to do so could cost the institution its federal funding.

During an investigation, a Title IX defense lawyer can help ensure that the school follows the proper procedures and does not ignore any evidence. They can also ensure that the school is not biased or influenced by any outside parties. They can also protect the rights of the accused student by ensuring that they have access to any evidence that might prove their innocence.


When students face disciplinary proceedings related to claims of sexual misconduct, it can have a severe impact on their academic career. They may be suspended or expelled from school and lose scholarships, internships and future professional opportunities. An experienced Virginia Title IX defense lawyer can defend against such allegations and protect students’ rights in school disciplinary hearings and criminal courts.

A Richmond Title IX attorney can also assist with appeals against unfair disciplinary actions by schools. Federal law prohibits discrimination based on sex in education programs and activities that receive funding from the federal government. Congress consciously modeled Title IX on Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.

At a school hearing, both the complainant and the accused student will have a chance to present evidence and call witnesses. A tenacious Virginia Title IX defense attorney can cross-examine the witnesses and challenge evidence presented by the school to ensure your fair and due process rights are protected.




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