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Dentist Guelph | What do you need to know before getting your first filling?

Nov 8

 A dental filling is a way of restoring the tooth to its original shape and size. It is also called a “tooth restoration.” A dentist will place material in between your tooth and the decay, which then hardens into an artificial substance that fills in the gap. The goal is to restore your oral health and give you back something that looks natural yet provides protection for your teeth from future damage.

If you are suffering from pain or discomfort when chewing food, this could be due to one of many different causes such as cavities or gum disease. A filling can help alleviate these symptoms so you can enjoy eating again. Dentists will normally use a local anesthetic before carrying out any treatment, but this depends on your comfort levels and what the dentist recommends. Dentists may recommend that you have a general anesthetic before having any fillings, such as for those with extremely high levels of anxiety. Dentists can also use less invasive treatments if they see this is more appropriate and will avoid the need to numb your tooth.


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Why do I need my first filling?

It is a common misconception that teeth will just go away if you don’t take care of them. However, this isn’t true. If your tooth has decay or damage from an injury, it can create a hole where bacteria and plaque can build up and cause infection. To prevent this from happening, dentists recommend fillings as soon as possible after any dental work or injury occurs.

Fillings are also used to restore the appearance of teeth by filling in gaps from lost tooth structures caused by dental erosion or cavities. What do I need to know about my first filling? A lot! First off, I need to understand what type of filling I am getting. It’s also important to understand why I am getting the filling done – what is it being used for? Dentists will always try and use a less invasive, least painful way of restoring decayed or damaged teeth.

If you are experiencing pain from dental work, then chances are your dentist will recommend a filling. Dentists also use fillings as a preventive measure – if you have areas of decay that haven’t caused any issues yet, the dentist may just opt to place a filling rather than do more invasive work like drilling and root canals.

There are many different types for different needs:

– Composite

A composite is a material made from two or more materials. A typical example of a composite would be the wooden decking on your home, which is typically composed of wood and plastic. Composite materials are often stronger than their components because they reinforce each other with increased thickness and strength. 

– Glass ionomer

Glass ionomer is a material used in dental restorations. The material, which contains fluoride ions and an acrylic monomer, is mixed with water to form a paste that can be applied directly onto the tooth’s surface. The ionic charge of this material helps it adhere to tooth enamel for increased longevity. It also provides antibacterial properties because fluoride ions act as natural disinfectants against bacteria that cause decay and gum disease. 

– Amalgam (silver)

Silver fillings, or amalgam, have been a popular option for dental care professionals. They are used to repair teeth with cavities and help prevent tooth decay from progressing. Silver fillings can last anywhere from 5-10 years depending on your oral health habits. If you’ve been considering whether or not you want silver fillings put into your mouth, many benefits make it worth it!

How long does it take to get a filling done?

A dental filling is a procedure that fixes cavities and restores teeth to their original shape. The process of getting a filling done can take anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour, but the majority of fillings are completed within 15-30 minutes. What’s more, most people don’t need sedation or anesthesia for this procedure so you’ll be able to get back on your feet in no time. 

What is the difference between a filling and a crown?

A crown replaces an entire tooth, either to support or protect it. Crowns can be made from metal or porcelain and are often used in place of root canal procedures. Dentists use fillings for smaller cavities that don’t need so much restoration work done on them.

What is a root canal?

A root canal procedure involves removing the nerves from inside your tooth and cleaning out all of the infection left behind. Dentists use a microscope to make sure they get every last bit of nerve, as well as any other bacteria or organisms that may have been present at the time of diagnosis. This process takes one to two hours. Dentists will then fill the tooth with a permanent filling and seal it before placing an artificial crown on top, which can last up to 20 years in some cases. 

What will happen during the appointment?

Your first visit to the dentist can be scary, but we’re here to help! The appointment will include an examination of your teeth and gums, instructions on how to take care of your teeth at home, and information about our Guelph dentists. We’ll also make recommendations for what you need like fillings or crowns. You may not even need any treatment at all! Our goal is to keep your smile healthy through preventative measures including fluoride treatments, oral hygiene instruction, and diet counseling.


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The Dentist may also perform any of the following:

– Fillings for decayed teeth or cavities

A filling is a dental restoration that is used to fill in a tooth or void that has been created by a cavity. The dentist will remove the decay and shape it to create an artificial surface for the filling. This process can be done with composite resin, porcelain, gold alloys, or silver amalgam. A temporary filling may also be placed so you won’t have any discomfort as your permanent one is set up.

– Dental crowns to protect weak teeth

Dental crowns are a way to protect weak teeth from breaking or becoming infected. Crowns can be used for both the front and back of the tooth, and they’re made out of porcelain or metal. The dentist will fit you with a temporary crown while your permanent one is being made by an outside lab.

– Extractions of wisdom teeth, some molars, or other problem teeth when needed to prevent future damage

There are also various levels of intensity that can be used for this procedure, depending on how much discomfort your patient would like to endure. Secondly, the teeth being removed will never grow back so it is important to make sure you have all your wisdom teeth pulled if needed before they cause any problems. Lastly, after the procedure has been performed you should be able to go right back to normal activities with minimal recovery time required.

– Dentures to replace missing teeth

Dentures are dental appliance that replaces missing teeth. They are typically made of acrylic, metal, or porcelain. Acrylic is the cheapest option and most denture wearers prefer it for its comfort, durability, and price. Metal dentures can be more expensive but they last much longer than acrylic ones. Porcelain is the most expensive dental appliance to replace missing teeth with because it offers an excellent fit for your mouth and offers the best aesthetic result in terms of look and feel in your mouth. 

– Preventive care, including oral cancer screening and fluoride treatments.

A lot of people don’t realize that their oral health is in danger and they may not be aware of what can cause problems like cavities, gum disease, and even cancer. We’ll go over the most important things you need to do for a better smile: brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste; avoid sugary treats; floss every day; see your dentist regularly, and schedule an annual oral cancer screening with your dentist. 

What should I expect after getting my first filling?

A filling is a procedure to seal and protect the tooth from further decay. After your first filling, you should expect some sensitivity in the tooth after it has been treated. This will wear off as time goes on and can be managed with over-the-counter products such as Sensodyne or Orajel. It is important not to chew gum for at least 24 hours after treatment because chewing may dislodge the filling material that was used during the procedure.

DISCLAIMER: The advice offered is intended to be informational only and generic in nature. It is in no way offering a definitive diagnosis or specific treatment recommendations for your particular situation. Any advice offered is no substitute for proper evaluation and care by a qualified dentist.


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