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Medications For Dog Anxiety

Mar 28

Anxiety is a common problem in dogs. Many owners may not recognize that their pet is anxious, but symptoms of anxiety include drooling, chewing or destroying items, excessive scratching, pacing and house soiling, fleeing during departure, aggressiveness, or a general feeling of nervousness or fear. Often, the cause of dog anxiety is a medical issue such as an infection or arthritis. However, in some cases, a dog's behavior may simply be related to their environment or life circumstances. Behavioral techniques and a referral to a professional trainer and canine behaviorist are usually all that is needed to help your pet overcome his or her anxiety, but in some cases medication is also recommended.

Medications used for CBD for dog anxiety in dogs include short-acting and long-acting anti-anxiety medications. Most of these are FDA-approved for use in humans to treat depression and anxiety symptoms, but veterinarians have been using them "off-label" for years to reduce dogs' anxiety. Long-acting medications, such as fluoxetine (Prozac for dogs) and clomipramine, are generally well-tolerated by most dogs, but do take several weeks to have an effect on a dog's anxiety. Short-acting anti-anxiety medications, such as alprazolam and melatonin, work more quickly and can be helpful in acute situations when a dog is extremely anxious. These drugs can be dangerous for some dogs, so they must be monitored closely for any side effects.

In addition to prescription meds, some supplements and vitamins can be helpful in decreasing dogs' anxiety. For example, melatonin is a natural sleep hormone that can sometimes help decrease anxiety by promoting a more relaxed state during the day. Increasing the amount of exercise a dog gets can also help ease anxiety by burning off pent-up energy. Routine can also help reduce anxiety by letting a dog know what to expect from day-to-day activities.

CBD for Dog Anxiety

CBD is an all-natural supplement that works by enhancing the effects of mood-altering neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. In a recent study, researchers gave CBD to dogs and found that they had a reduced level of anxiety during a separation test when compared to control dogs. In the same study, dogs treated with a placebo had a higher level of anxiety when separated from their owner.

Of course, the ultimate goal is to get a dog off medication altogether, but many dogs need anxiety meds for the rest of their lives. The goal is to wean them off as soon as possible by implementing behavioral modification protocols in conjunction with a referral to a professional trainer and/or canine behaviorist. Behavioral therapy can teach your dog better coping skills so that you can leave them alone for longer periods of time, and desensitization to the things they are most afraid of will also help reduce their reactions. By learning new coping mechanisms and becoming less anxious, your dog can live a happier and more fulfilled life. Good luck!