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How Concrete Leveling Can Help Repair Uneven Concrete Slabs

Jun 16

If you have concrete slabs that have settled, a professional Concrete Leveling Contractors Cleveland Heights company can help you lift them back to an even position. They can also repair the voids that have developed under the concrete.

The process involves drilling small holes into the sunken block of concrete. Then, a specialized polyurethane foam is injected into the holes. The foam expands and fills any voids, which lifts the concrete.


Slabs that are sinking and uneven can create tripping hazards for your customers. It is important to take action and keep your customers safe by hiring a company that can level concrete. This process will also increase the curb appeal of your property and attract more business.

A slab leveling contractor will drill small holes into the sunken surface of the concrete, and inject a specialized material that lifts it back to an even position. Mudjacking costs $3 to $6 per square foot, while poly leveling or foam jacking uses high-density polyurethane that expands into the holes and stabilizes the sunken concrete.

Both methods have a fast repair time and are relatively noninvasive to the surrounding landscape. They are ideal for concrete sidewalks, steps, patios, driveways and garage floors. They are not recommended for load-bearing areas of the foundation or basement floors, however. These areas require mudjacking contractors near you that have the appropriate equipment to lift these types of surfaces.


Unlike concrete replacement, which requires excavation and new pouring, concrete leveling uses existing soil to stabilize the slab. This means that the repair is typically completed in a fraction of the time that it would take to replace the concrete, and the finished result looks just as good as the original.

The process of concrete leveling involves drilling holes under the sunken area and then pumping a limestone slurry into them. The slurry fills any voids and lifts the concrete back into place, and the holes are then filled with non-shrinking grout. This method can be used on walkways, driveways and garage floors.

A professional concrete leveling company will have all of the proper safety equipment, and they should also be licensed and insured. In addition, they should be able to provide you with an estimate of how much the job will cost. This will help you make an informed decision about the best way to fix your sunken concrete.


When working with self-leveling concrete, it's important to wear safety gloves and a face mask. This product dries quickly and can be irritating to the lungs. It's also essential to clean up spills immediately, as they will be hard to remove once they set. Then, wait for the surface to dry according to the manufacturer's instructions before walking on it.

Uneven concrete isn't just unsightly; it can be dangerous to pedestrians and vehicles. It's also likely to worsen over time if not addressed, leading to costly repairs down the road.

There are several ways to level concrete, but mudjacking and polyurethane foam are the most popular methods. Both of these methods return sunken slabs to a more even position and last for five to 10 years. Mudjacking requires holes to be drilled into the slab, while foam lifts the sunken concrete from beneath. Both methods are less expensive than replacing a slab completely. They also take less time and require fewer tools than traditional concrete replacement.


Concrete leveling can help repair sunken or uneven concrete slabs around your home. This process can be done quickly and efficiently, so you don’t have to deal with the damage for too long. The cost of leveling concrete is usually less than replacing the slab, and it can be more cost-effective than digging up and pouring new concrete.

Mudjacking is one method of leveling concrete that involves pumping a cement and mud mixture under the concrete to lift it up. It’s a messy procedure that can cause problems if the soil underneath shifts. It’s also not resistant to water, so it can leak into your home or building.

Another concrete leveling method is foam leveling, which uses polyurethane in an injection process. The injected material finds weak soils and expands into them to stabilize the ground beneath the slab. This can be cheaper than mudjacking, but it’s only suitable for slabs that haven’t sunk too far.