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Why Profit First Matters

Apr 15
As an entrepreneur or small business owner, you're always looking for ways to increase profitability and take your business to the next level. One approach that has gained traction in recent years is the "Profit First" method.
In this article, we'll explore why Profit First matters and how you can implement it in your own business.

What is Profit First?

Profit First is a cash management system. The premise of Profit First is simple: instead of focusing on revenue and expenses, prioritize profit. The system involves allocating a portion of revenue to profit, then dividing the remaining funds among various expenses. This ensures that profit is not an afterthought but a priority and that the business is always operating within its means.

Why does Profit First matter?

  1. Prioritizes profitability

The biggest advantage of Profit First is that it prioritizes profitability. Instead of chasing revenue or focusing solely on cutting expenses, the system ensures that you're always making a profit. This helps to create a sustainable business model and ensures that you're not just treading water but making progress.

  1. Encourages discipline and accountability

The Profit First system also encourages discipline and accountability. By allocating funds to different accounts, business owners must be intentional about their spending and ensure that they're not overspending in any one area. This helps to create a culture of accountability and ensures that everyone is working towards the same goal.

  1. Reduces financial stress

One of the biggest sources of stress for small business owners is financial instability. By prioritizing profit and allocating funds accordingly, the Profit First system helps to reduce financial stress and provide a sense of security. This allows business owners to focus on growth and expansion, rather than constantly worrying about cash flow.

  1. Provides a clear picture of financial health

Another benefit of the Profit First system is that it provides a clear picture of your business's financial health. By allocating funds to different accounts, you can easily see how much money is going towards various expenses and identify areas where you may be overspending. This helps to create a more efficient and effective business model.

Implementing Profit First in your business

Now that you understand why Profit First matters, let's explore how you can implement it in your own business. Here are the steps you should take:

  1. Determine your target profit percentage

The first step in implementing Profit First is determining your target profit percentage. This will vary depending on your industry and business model, but a good starting point is 10%. This means that 10% of all revenue should be allocated to profit.

  1. Open multiple bank accounts

The next step is to open multiple bank accounts. Each account should be designated for a specific purpose, such as profit, owner's pay, taxes, and operating expenses. This ensures that funds are allocated appropriately and prevents overspending.

  1. Allocate funds to each account

Once you have your bank accounts set up, the next step is to allocate funds to each account. Remember, your target profit percentage should be the first allocation. From there, divide the remaining funds among your other accounts, based on your business's needs.

  1. Stick to the system

Finally, it's essential to stick to the Profit First system. This means being disciplined about your spending and ensuring that funds are allocated appropriately. Over time, you'll find that the system becomes second nature, and you'll be able to make more informed financial decisions.


Profit First is a powerful cash management system that can help small business owners prioritize profitability, reduce financial stress, and create a more efficient and effective business model. By allocating funds to different accounts and prioritizing profit, business owners can create a sustainable and thriving business. So, if you're looking to take your business to the next level, consider implementing the Profit First system.