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Alternative Distribution Coburg North Victoria | How to care for your crystals and keep them protected?

Jan 17

Alternative Distribution Coburg North Victoria | How to care for your crystals and keep them protected?

Alternative Distribution Coburg North Victoria

It is very important to know how to care for your crystals and keep them protected. Crystals are an amazing form of energy, and we must take the time to learn about how they work so we can properly maintain them. There are many different types of crystals out there, and each one requires a different level of care to be healthy and happy – or rather, as close as you can get without actually being alive. For example, some need sunlight while others do not; some must be cleaned with water while others require something else entirely. Some may even need to be cleaned at regular intervals by smudging or other means which will vary depending on what type they are. The bottom line is that you should always consult a crystal expert if you are unsure of how to properly care for your crystals, as they can eventually lead to serious problems.


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Cleanse your crystals regularly with a sage or lavender smudge

Alternative Distribution Coburg North Victoria

Many people have a lot of crystals in their homes. Some are used for decoration, others as tools to help promote healing and well-being. But all these beautiful stones can get dirty from time to time, especially if they’re kept on the floor or near an open window. To keep your crystals clean and free from negative energy you must cleanse them regularly with a sage or lavender smudge. This will remove any dirt, dust, germs, and other particles that may be clinging to the crystal’s surface. It also helps activate the stone’s natural powers because by burning the herbs close to your crystal you release their essential oils which infuse positive vibrations into its crystalline structure.

Keep them in a place where they won't be disturbed by vibrations

The care and protection of crystals are the most important thing you can do to keep them in good condition. Crystals are sensitive to vibrations from electronics, such as televisions and computers, so they should be kept away from these kinds of things. They should also be kept out of direct sunlight because this could cause fading or discoloration over time. When cleaning your crystals, use a cloth with room temperature water and mild soap – never apply any kind of chemicals or bleach onto your gems! Finally, store crystals in a place where they won’t be affected by other crystals – particularly if there are large clusters. Crystals will amplify each other’s energies, which could impact the vibrations of your stones and alter their therapeutic qualities!

Place them in the moonlight to charge their energies

Treat your crystals with the utmost care and attention. It’s not a hard thing to do but could make a big difference in how they work for you. There are many ways to keep them protected and your home crystal-free of bad energy. Keep them clean by washing them occasionally with mild soap and water – never use harsh chemicals or abrasives as this will damage their surfaces. The best place is on an east-facing windowsill, where they can absorb the sun’s healing rays during the day and be bathed in the moonlight at night (though if you don’t have one of these available, leave it near a window that gets plenty of light). If you’re concerned about theft or just want to keep them in a safer place, you can place them under your pillow at night to absorb healthy vibrations from the earth.


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Add a few drops of essential oil on them for protection against negativity

Crystals are used for many different things, including the following: healing, beauty, decoration. Crystals also have metaphysical properties like protection and cleansing. With crystals, you can do anything from balancing your chakras to doing spells or even just cleaning your space. The other great thing about crystals is that they’re really easy to take care of! All you need to do is place them somewhere where it gets natural light (not direct sunlight) and don’t let them get wet! It’s as simple as that! If there are any negative energies in the room or around the crystal, adding a few drops of essential oil to it will help protect against negativity.

Carry one with you when going out into public to keep yourself grounded

For many people, crystals are symbols of power and good luck. They often feel the need to carry one with them when they go out into the public so that they can stay grounded and centered during stressful situations. This is because carrying a crystal with you keeps your mind focused on what’s happening around you instead of letting it wander off into other thoughts or worries. It also helps keep any negative emotions at bay because it reminds us to focus on the present moment rather than dwelling in the past or worrying about what may happen in the future. Caring for your crystals is fairly easy as long as you remember these three things: First, make sure to cleanse your crystals regularly by exposing them to sunlight or moonlight for several hours each day. This will help remove any negative energy that may have attached itself to your crystals. Second, it is a good idea to keep your crystals away from other objects so that they don’t get damaged or scratched. Make sure to give them plenty of space on flat surfaces and never place them near magnets as this could cause harm by demagnetizing or dematerializing them. Finally, it is important to remember that your crystals are living things just like you and me so avoid exposing them to chemicals such as perfume, hair spray, etc. Also, keep in mind that some crystals need to be cleaned more often than others depending on what kind of negative energy they have been exposed to.

Put it under your pillow at night for peaceful sleep free from nightmares

It is possible to care for crystals. The first thing you need to do is clean them, which can be done with a damp cloth and soap or water mixed with mild dishwashing liquid. You should also put your crystal in the sun every day to recharge it. If that’s not an option, sunlight from a window will work just as well. And finally, if you want your crystal to be protected, keep it under your pillow at night for peaceful sleep free from nightmares. A crystal can be your friend for life if you take care of it. I am not kidding! This is so important because crystals are not here to heal us but allow us to heal ourselves.


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