There Are Four Different Types Of Communication Styles
Every individual has a distinct communication style, a manner of interacting with people and exchanging information.
Passive, aggressive, passive-aggressive, and forceful are the four fundamental communication styles.
It's critical to comprehend each communication style and why people employ them. The forceful communication style, for example, has been proven to be the most successful since it combines the greatest features of all the other forms.
When we break down these four types, we'll have a deeper understanding of their qualities, typical phrases, and what distinguishes them.
Individuals who communicate in a passive manner frequently act indifferently and submit to others. Passive communicators seldom communicate their feelings or wants, instead relying on others to do so. A passive communicator's lack of outward communication can frequently result in misunderstanding, rage, or resentment. At the same time, when a problem emerges, these communicators may be safer to converse with since they will most likely avoid confrontation or defer to others.
Passive communicators frequently lack eye contact, have bad body posture, and can't say "no." Passive communicators also conduct in such a way that "no one ever thinks about my feelings."
However, because they follow others and "go with the flow," passive communicators are simple to get along with.
When someone speaks aggressively, it is generally obvious. You'll be able to hear it. You'll be able to view it. You could even sense it.
Speaking in a loud and demanding tone, keeping intense eye contact, and dominating or influencing people by accusing, frightening, criticizing, threatening, or assaulting them are all examples of aggressive communication.
Aggressive communicators frequently give orders, ask harsh questions, and neglect to listen to others. They can, nevertheless, be seen as leaders and command the respect of others around them.
On the surface, practitioners of the passive-aggressive communication style look inert, but they may feel helpless or locked within, creating anger that leads to seething or acting out in subtle, indirect, or secret ways.
Rather of confronting a person or topic, most passive-aggressive communicators may grumble to themselves. They have trouble expressing their anger, employ facial expressions that don't match their emotions, and sometimes deny that there is a problem.
Body language or a lack of open communication to another person, such as giving someone the silent treatment, spreading stories behind people's backs, or undermining others' efforts, are the most common ways passive-aggressive communicators communicate. Passive-aggressive communicators may look cooperative on the surface, but are actually doing the exact opposite.
In the end, passive-aggressive communicators are aware of their demands, but they may find it difficult to express them.
The assertive communication style is said to be the most successful since it maintains an open line of communication while without being overpowering. Assertive communicators are able to convey their own desires, thoughts, and feelings while also taking into account the requirements of others. In a scenario, assertive communicators strive for both parties to prevail by balancing one's rights with the rights of others.
Using "I" statements, such as "I get annoyed when you are late for a meeting," or "I don't enjoy having to explain this again and over," is one of the cornerstones of assertive communication. It implies taking responsibility for one's thoughts and actions without blaming the other.